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Showing posts from March, 2016


ARE YOU JESUS? This write up touched my heart. I am sure it will touch yours too. A few years ago a group of salesmen went to a regional sales convention in Chicago .. They had assured their wives that they would be home in plenty of time for Friday night's dinner. In their rush, with tickets and briefcases, one of these salesmen inadvertently kicked over a table which held a display of apples. Apples flew everywhere. Without stopping or looking back, they all managed to reach the plane in time for their nearly-missed boarding... ALL BUT ONE!!! He paused, took a deep breath, got in touch with his feelings and experienced a twinge of compassion for the girl whose apple stand had been overturned. He told his buddies to go on without him, waved good-bye, told one of them to call his wife when they arrived at their home destination and explain his taking a later flight. Then he returned to the terminal where the apples were all over the terminal floor. He was glad he did. The 16-y


      Good Thinkers  are  always  in demand. A person who  knows  how may always  have  a  job, but the  person who knows why will always  be  his boss. Thinkers  solve  problems,  they never  lack  ideas  that  can build  an organization,  and  they  always  have  a  better  future.  Good  thinkers  rarely find  themselves  at  the  mercy of  ruthless  people  who  would  take  advantage  of  them  or  try to  deceive  them,  people  like  Nazi  dictator Adolf Hitler,  who  once  boasted,  “What  luck  for  rulers  that  men do  not  think.”  Those  who  develop  the  process  of  good thinking  can  rule  themselves—even while  under  an oppressive  ruler  or  in other  difficult  circumstances.  In  short, good  thinkers  are  successful.       To the Glory of God, with great joy in my heart, I want the entire great mind in the world to join me as I launch the greatest,  unique Thinking Non-Governmental Organization in Nigeria, called, 'Ki Thinkers'. KI THINKERS is based on