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Showing posts from October, 2014


NARRATOR: Once upon a time, there was a BOY and a GIRL. (THE BOY and THE GIRL take their seats as they are introduced) They went to the same University together, where they went to study, go to classes, and meet other boys and other girls. Now, not surprisingly, the boys wanted to meet other girls and the girls wanted to meet other boys, and so it was with this boy and this girl. First, THE GIRL met MR. RICH. He looked very nice, with gold rings, bracelets, chains and, most importantly, a gold money clip. They went out to dinner at a very nice restaurant, he ordered the wine in French and THE GIRL was enjoying herself very much. Except when the bill came, and MR. RICH ordered separate checks. "Because a penny saved, is a penny earning compound interest daily!" So much for MR. RICH. Meanwhile, THE BOY had met MISS SOCIETY GIRL. THE BOY had saved a lot of money, not doing laundry for weeks, not getting new tires for his car, and not buying various sundries in


(In the kitchen. Little Billy has just come back from Sunday school. He is excited). Billy: (with excitement): Mom! Mom! Guess what we did in Sunday school today. We learned all about God. We learned that he knows us, and loves us, and that he sees us. Is that true? Mother: Yes, It’s true God is in all living things. Billy: Really Mom? Really? How come he can see us but we can’t see him? Mother: (Laughing) Do me a favor go wash your hands for supper, then afterwards we can talk about the Lord. Billy: The Lord!? I thought his name was God. Mother: Alright, I guess dinner will have to wait. Billy, God has many names not just one. Billy: He must get confused, people calling him by all different names. Mother: No he knows what people call him and he never gets confused. You see Billy God does know each of us in a very personal way. He wants to be our best friend. Even though we cannot see him we know he is there. Here I will show you. (takes Billy’s hand and leads hi